ホテルスパでの、五感に響く香りやテクスチャーをご自宅でも Feel the luxury of being in a hotel spa at home

ALL THAT SPAの商品は、視覚・聴覚・味覚・触覚・嗅覚の五感を満たすことを大切にしている、ホテルスパのトリートメントから生まれています。すべての製品は、国産の精油をはじめとする厳選された素材を使用しており、スパのトリートメントで使用し、改良を重ねて商品化されます。チャクラポイントの考え方に沿った色と香りは、心地よいエネルギーを与えてくれ、日常のストレスや疲労を癒してくれます。

ALL THAT SPA's products are derived from hotel spa treatments, where the five senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell are important. All products are made from carefully selected ingredients, including domestically produced essential oils, which are used in spa treatments and then refined and commercialized. The colors and scents, in line with the concept of chakra points, provide pleasant energy and heal everyday stress and fatigue.


Body Care

ホリスティックケアの基本は、全身をゆっくりといたわること。緊張を緩めて、汚れを落として、そして補うステップが大切です。ALL THAT SPAでは、スパのプロトコールをご自宅で取り入れる“おうちスパ”を提案しています。深呼吸のためのミストに始まり、豊富なバスオイルやバスソルトのラインナップ、ボディスクラブ、ボディクリームにバームなど、おうちをスパに変えるアイテムが勢ぞろい。

The foundation of holistic care is to slowly and gently care for the entire body. At ALL THAT SPA, we offer a "home spa" experience that allows you to incorporate spa protocols into your home. Starting with a deep-breathing mist, a wide selection of bath oils and salts, body scrubs, body creams, balms, and other items that turn your home into a spa.



Facial Care


Facial care at our spa is based on the idea that the face is part of the body, and ALLTHATSPA's facial care line incorporates the power of plants. Take nature's bounty, wrap your hands around your skin, take a deep breath, and enjoy its fragrance. The elegant fragrance that spreads will fill your mind and open the door to beauty.



Bath & Shower

ALL THAT SPAのバスアメニティは、瀬戸内レモン精油を配合し、髪や地肌の健康に良いとされる天然成分を贅沢に配合しました。シャンプー・コンディショナーには殺菌効果のあるパイン精油、頭皮の代謝促進作用や抗炎症効果のあるローズマリーの精油を配合しています。ボディウォッシュの基材にはアロエベラを選びました。

Enjoy the comfort of the spa in your bathroom!
ALL THAT SPA's bath amenities are luxuriously blended with Setouchi lemon essential oil and other natural ingredients known to be good for the health of hair and skin. The shampoo and conditioner contain pine essential oil with bactericidal properties, and rosemary essential oil. Aloe vera was chosen as the base material for the body wash.
This bath time can be enjoyed by the whole family, from adults to children.
